runny Manuka Honey dripping from a wooden spoon for blog: Can Manuka Honey stop me getting a virus?

by Manuka Honey Team July 29, 2022 4 min read

Can Manuka Honey Stop Me Getting A Virus?

In January 2020 we wrote this blog on the power of Manuka Honey. It has been picked up by various sources throughout the world and referenced in many tweets and posts. Given the spread of COVID-19 (a new coronavirus) throughout the world since then we have now updated this blog.

Viruses don’t just cause illness in winter. All through the year viruses can cause us to miss out on our favourite activities, meeting with friends and missing school.

As we write this in the heat of the beautiful summer here in New Zealand, getting common viruses like a winter cold or flu should be far from our minds. 

We believe protection starts at home, with a strict hygiene regime, but we can also help each other by having healthy immune systems. 

We love Manuka Honey in any case, but knowing the superfood benefits of Manuka Honey makes it top of our list to keep us well.

The Manuka Honey of NZ Specialty Shop features many “therapeutic grade”
Manuka Honey products sourced from businesses around New Zealand.

View Our Range of Manuka Honey Wellness Products Here

Check out or blog regarding the benefits of Manuka Honey

So, can Manuka Honey stop me getting a virus?  

It’s been trusted for centuries by healers all over the world. At a time when we receive a lot of mixed messaging, perhaps now is the time to trust in natural ingredients that have stood the test of time. 

Manuka Honey of NZ has a great range of products to support you naturally.

How to choose the best Manuka Honey product for your health. 

At Manuka Honey of NZ we’ve selected a range of the best Manuka Honey products to help support you with seasonal ills and chills. You can select from our general or specialist wellness products. 

 SAVVY -  Rocket Fuel Respiratory Support


PURITI - 12+ UMF Manuka Honey Lozenges  


EGMONT - 10+ UMF Manuka Honey + Propolis Drops


NAKI - 25+ UMF Manuka Honey


Here are three things to remember when choosing your Manuka Honey immune support product: 

  • Check for MG/MGO rating. Medicinal grade Manuka Honey is MG 250+ or UMF 10+
  • Choose products that are suitable for kids or adults
  • Remember not to give any honey to infants (aged under one year old) unless the product specifically states that it is safe

View our large range of Manuka Honey products 

What other ingredients should I look for?

Many of the wellness products we stock at Manuka Honey of NZ contain not only Manuka Honey but other natural products that help support our well-being all year round.

Here are three to look out for:

  • Propolis.
    Produced by bees to repair their nests, propolis contains many bioactive compounds that support your immune response and support your body to recover from illness. 
  • Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is another component that may help your body defend itself and respond to challenges. Adding Vitamin C to Manuka Honey products can be a great way to provide additional support, but is best used as part of your regular daily wellness routine.

  • Echinacea
    Studies have shown how active compounds in the purple echinacea flower play a role in supporting the body to respond to challenges. Mix this in with Manuka Honey, and it’s a great way to add support when we need it most.


What else can I do to protect against catching a virus?

There are simple things you can do to help reduce the risk of catching a virus and getting sick. This is especially important in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

  • Regularly wash your hands
  • Use an alcohol-based hand gel if you can’t wash your hands
  • Use paper hand towels not dryers to dry your hands
  • Cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow (not hand) when you cough or sneeze
  • Thoroughly cook meat and eggs
  • Stay home if you’re feeling unwell
  • Don’t have contact with people who are coughing and sneezing


Manuka Honey is great all year round

You want to be out there living life to the fullest. Not stuck inside feeling unwell. Use Manuka Honey products all year round to be in the best health to respond to challenges.

Select your Manuka Honey Wellness products here: 

Shop Natural Anti-viral and antibacterial Manuka Honey Products now



Crosta P. (2017) What to know about viruses. Medical News Today. Accessed January 2020. World Health Organization (2020) Coronavirus. Accessed January 2002

Khan SU. et al (2018). Honey: Single food stuff comprises many drugs. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 25(2), 320-325.

Humpherys B &; Busath DD (2019). Anti-Influenza Nutraceuticals: Antiviral and Anti-Inflammatory Effects. Advances in Complementary and Alternative Medicine 4(3) 

Watanabe, K., Rahmasari, R., Matsunaga, A., Haruyama, T., &; Kobayashi, N. (2014). Anti-influenza viral effects of honey in vitro: potent high activity of manuka honey. Archives of medical research, 45(5), 359-365.

Charyasriwong, S., Haruyama, T., &; Kobayashi, N. (2016). In vitro evaluation of the antiviral activity of methylglyoxal against influenza B virus infection. Drug discoveries &; therapeutics, 10(4), 201-210.

Charyasriwong, S., Watanabe, K., Rahmasari, R., Matsunaga, A., Haruyama, T., &; Kobayashi, N. (2015). In vitro evaluation of synergistic inhibitory effects of
neuraminidase inhibitors and methylglyoxal against influenza virus infection. Archives of medical research, 46(1), 8-16.

Brown, H. L., Roberts, A. E. L., Cooper, R., &; Jenkins, R. (2016). A review of selected bee products as potential anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agents.

Pitt, S. J., Crockett, S. L., &; Andreou, G. M. (2018). The contribution of hand drying in prevention of transmission of microorganisms: Comparison of the efficacy of three hand drying methods in the removal and distribution of microorganisms. Journal of Infection Prevention, 19(6), 310-317.

Raman R. (2018) Echinachea: Benefits, uses, side effects and dosage. Accessed January 2019