Worldwide Shipping | Manuka Honey Sale: more UMF = more Saving
Worldwide Shipping | Manuka Honey Sale: more UMF = more Saving
by Manuka Honey Team May 17, 2023 2 min read
World Bee Day is celebrated on 20th of May each year to raise awareness about the importance of bees and other pollinators for our ecosystem and food production. On this day Anton Janša, the pioneer of beekeeping, was born in 1734. Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, including many of the crops we rely on for food.
World Bee day celebrates all honey bees around the world, but we are particularly fond of our New Zealand Honey bees that are producing our precious Manuka Honey. Manuka Honey has a distinctive rich taste that tends to be less sweet than most other honeys, making it perfect in all sorts of recipes. Preparing food with Manuka Honey gives your meals a convenient additional health boost. While Manuka Honey is best prepared cold to preserve maximum health benefits, Manuka Honey can also used in cooking for a delicious taste experience.
Here are a few recipes featuring Manuka Honey.
Remember to support sustainable beekeeping practices and choose honey that is responsibly sourced. At Manuka Honey of NZ we are working exclusively with New Zealand Honey brands which employ sustainable and modern bee keeping practices so you can be sure that what when you buy from us, you are supporting a healthy and caring industry.