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مانوكا النشط - كريم مرمم بالعسل 50g

For topical skin ailments
  • Antiseptic & antimicrobial qualities 
  • Free of parabens, GMO's, artificial fragrance & colours


كريم علاجي لأمراض الجلد الموضعية. يحتوي مانوكا النشط على نسبة عالية من UMF15+ عسل مانوكا وقد تم تركيبه للمساعدة في تهيج الجلد والعضات والحروق والجروح والسحجات وطفح الحفاضات إلى الصدفية.

آراء المستهلكين

بناء على 1 مراجعة
June G. (New Zealand)
active Manuka Repair salve

From many years 55 years of raising children, grandchildren and great grand children, I found the greatest, instant healer of broken skin tissue, through cuts, grazes, animal scratches, infections etc to be the Manuka Active repair ointment. I am prescribed Blood thinners for a heart condition so any cuts are concerning. My daughters cat lacerated my hand and they were bleeding profusely. I stopped the bleeding with pressure and later applied Manuka Active honey. The scratches were deep and there were lots. Within 12 hours the lacerations had healed together miraculously and were gone completely in two days. I love the stuff and use it on my mokos for everything from sunburn to excema to cuts and scratches- it is truly a healing salve.