مطاطية قطعة من نيلسون نمت الكمثرى مع mossops عسل مانوكا في 33% من الكاكاو قوية على نحو سلس 5 لفة المكرر دسم الحليب الشوكولاته مع اشارة الكراميل في لذيذ رقيقة.
حليب الشوكولاته ، ، نيوزيلندي مسحوق الحليب 30% ، مستحلب (ليستين الصويا), الفانيليا النكهة الطبيعية نكهة, كمثرى وعسل قطع 10%, عسل مانوكا 2.5% والقمح الألياف وكيل التبلور (البكتين) ، الطبيعية نكهة ، منظم حموضة (حمض الستريك).
قد تكون موجودة: الفول السوداني والبندق
During our 3 week holiday tour from north and south New Zealand we had always a piece of this chocolate in the evening. Now, back home in Germany, we have left 2 bars of the chocolate and dreaming of such a wonderful country ( the bespoke, the nature and the chocolate) ;-)
Who would’ve thought about this combination? It is as delicious as it is unusual. Love it, and it was a great hit to those I gifted it to.
The title says it all! Can't wait for the return of this chocolate to London
if you like Berry Forrest you should enjoy this flavour.
I had to eat the whole block in one go. Maybe because it’s thin. But I like it being thin because the chocolate is still rich.
Maybe my favourite now.
My husband and I love this chocolate bar. It has the perfect mix of flavours with crunchy bits of honey and pear😋 Recently, we wanted one, but they were sold out again 😢